Thursday, August 25, 2011

What did I do today? Glad you asked...

Julie woke me up from a dream in which I was in the movie Jack Frost with Martin Short (which I have never seen, incidentally), and I helped her roll the scooter out of the basement (it's a steep incline with a narrow doorway).  I watched a couple episodes of ridiculously stupid cartoons (the satire in American Dad is almost unbearable at times!), and then got to work.  I folded laundry, did the dishes, swept the front pathway, fixed my leather recliner, hooked up white lights in the backyard to surprise Julie (she's been asking me to do it since we moved in 3 weeks ago!), and read about 8 chapters of The Count of Monte Cristo before falling asleep.

The job hunt is kinda at a lull... I have work for the week of September 7th, but that's all until Copa Vida Coffee opens back up on October 21st.  Till then we just gotta make the money stretch!!

Oh, and I have a bicycle and it's pretty swell cuz we got it for free from our landlord.

Oh, and our new friends Naaman and Amber are taking us out to see a Shakespeare play!!  Isn't that flippin' sweet?  I think it's a Midsummer Night's Dream or Much Ado About Nothing.


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