Thursday, December 20, 2012

Newtown, Old Story, and an Ungrateful Heart

I can’t stand the news right now.  All of the talk about the Newtown Massacre has got me pissed at humanity.  I mean, right down to the corest of cores of humanity.  Here’s what I hate:

I hate that the media jumps on events like these, giggling like school children because their ratings go up.

I hate that Americans devour everything that the media says, like an obese child at the dinner table- not even pausing to think about what we are cramming into our mouths.

I hate that minutes after a tragedy like this, “experts” are called in to the scene to offer their objective opinions on what caused this and who is at fault and to tell us how we should feel about it.

I hate that every time there’s a massacre like this the issue of gun control comes up and people on both sides of the issue say incredibly mean and insensitive things about the other without working together to try to prevent more killings.

I hate that we kill our own fellow humans.

I hate that we are surprised that we kill our own fellow humans because it happens every day.

I hate that it happens every day.

I hate that we gobble up violent video games and violent movies and pretend that it isn’t affecting the way we see people.  It is.  And it’s horrific.

I hate that inside me, right now, I’m mad at that stupid kid for acting out the way he did while at the same time I am secretly contemplating getting a gun to protect myself which will only further the vicious circle of violence.

I hate that although I have never physically killed a living soul, I am still a part of the problem.  I am still killing children every day.

Because I am an American.

And I have been brainwashed by my own fear and lust for entertainment.

God help us.