Saturday, April 6, 2013

Birthday thoughts

I'm so excited to be 28.  You don't even know.


Perhaps I am at the peak of my humanity.  Perhaps my body is the healthiest it will ever be.  Perhaps my brain is the smartest it will ever be.  Perhaps I am as good as a person as I will ever be.

What a scary thought.  I find that with age, most of my understandings for who I am and what my environment is REALLY like has changed.  Quite drastically, in fact.

Marriage to such an awesome person has made me realize that I knew nothing of love before and I am only just barely starting to understand as it is.

Getting fired from a church that I was volunteering at has made me realize that "church politics" will always trump a "good heart" and will hurt more deeply than years of rejection from my secular peers.

Praying to God for Him to do what I want simply because I want it is next to blasphemy.  Accepting what God has given me to endure or enjoy is right living.

When Jesus said, "the last shall be first" he was not telling us that if we humble ourselves, we will get to be in 1st place again (how arrogant!)- he was merely letting us know where we stand.

Riches are, and will always be, in the ones you love and are loved by.  Sucks that Disney caught on to this and have been shovelling it down our throats for awhile, but truth is truth no matter who is saying it.

I'm glad to be alive.  I'm glad that I am in Durham.  I'm glad that my wife is my best friend and lets me hold her hand.  I'm glad we have two cute dogs and 4 chickens.  I'm glad that God manages to love me despite the fact that I am sometimes a jerkwad of a human being.  I'm glad for friends who are real and honest and patient.  I'm glad that my family and extended family is so fricken awesome.  I lucked out there.

Hell, I lucked out everywhere.   I gotta go hug someone.  :)

