Saturday, September 15, 2012

A new song

Here's the lyrics to a new song I am working on.  It's pretty self-explanatory, but let me start by saying that it can come across harsher than I meant if you can't hear a folksy twanging rock beat in the background.  Also, this song intentionally paints a picture of being a bit of a hellion.  I still believe in God and love him dearly... I just have embraced a different lifestyle, if that makes sense.  I guess you're going to read what you're going to read, and I should just let it be.  Sorry, Mom.

I was born a Pastor's kid
And I did the stuff my daddy did.
I went to church and said my prayers
We went to campouts and we sat out on lawn chairs

I remember when my sins were simple
The Bible says don't do "this" so I did "that"
But now my mind gets quite unraveled
My world is full of colors, it aint so white and black

We used to sit around the fire singing songs of reckless abandon to Jesus
Now I sit around the fire- drinking in whiskey and good times with pagan friends

Oh I was so young back then
I said so much self-righteous sh*t
Oh I knew who was out and who was "in"
Knew every Bible verse pertaining to sin
And I'm ashamed to admit it
And I swear to God that I'll quit it
Cuz I'm a ____ _____ screw up just like everyone else.

I was born a Pastor's kid...


  1. Sometimes whiskey and good times with friends sound a lot like songs to Jesus...(swear I "found God"--at least, the God of my adult life--through whiskey and fire)

