Saturday, July 30, 2011

Have you ever forgotten what you look like?

Since Julie and I have been moving across the country for the last two weeks, we haven't really had a chance for much... vanity, I suppose.  Camping, Motel6-ing, and driving 12+ hours everyday leaves a person somewhat disheveled.  We did our best to stay clean, mind you, but as for monitoring my appearance, I sorta forgot about that.  So here we are, at our new place (which is so cute and charming), and I'm looking into the mirror going, "Who is that??"

I have a beard!  Granted, it's a little scrappy at this point, but it's no longer just scruff!  And my eyes look older.  And, I've grown a second head!  Ok, so I lied about the 2nd head.  But still, it's alarming to not recognize yourself.  Has this ever happened to you?


  1. Since I quit my job, it's a fairly regular occurrence. It happens in about 2-3 week cycles...hence why I shave infrequently. It usually goes something like this, "Yikes, I look horrible, why didn't someone tell me?" Then I shave and forget about myself again. Good fun. Glad you guys made it safely!

  2. And you're not even going to post a picture of this scrap? I was scrolling slowly excited to see pics of those faces I've been missing fiercely...


  3. You're absolutely right. I guess I just decided to leave it up to the reader's imagination... I'll make sure to upload a picture soon.

    :) Miss you too

