Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to Read My Blog

Okay, Jeffrey.  You asked for it.  Here, in no uncertain terms is the Official Guide to Reading and Understanding Tim Morris' Blog.

Rule #1: Tim is snarky, not angry.  Often he will point out hypocrisy's and ironies, but it's only to get under the superficial layer, it's not to incite war.

Rule #2: Tim is funny, and he has a dry sense of humor.  Often the biggest misunderstandings people have of me is when I'm trying to make a joke.  If only you could see the twinkle in my eye.

Rule #3: Tim is never completely s e r i o u s or committed to an idea.  Although I like to be honestly considered, I will never "die for my beliefs."  Sometimes I'm just throwing an idea out there to see if I like how it sounds.  Try it.  It's helpful for growth.

Rule #4: Tim is deeply spiritual.  (that right there was a snarky comment against myself, btw)  I often get strong convictions related to religion and faith, but they are never about judging the non-believer or trying to get a stupid conservative bill passed in the White House-- I get convicted about whether or not I am living as Christ would: in love and in deep criticism of hypocritical Christians.

Rule #5.  Tim is blunt.  I have fought this as long as I care to, but the fact remains that I just kinda say things as I see them.  I don't try to embarass/harass people on purpose, but it often comes across that way.  I'm sorry.  If you call me out on this, I will apologize (and mean it!) but you should know that this is a problem that I have and I'm a little self-conscious of it.

Hope some of these rules help you as you suffer through my blog!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Good advice?

So, Julie and I need new cell phones.  The battery on mine lasts about 28 seconds and will randomly just shut off without warning.  Hers is a hand-me-down from our friends.  We've earned the "new every two" thing from Verizon about 2 years ago and haven't used it, since we don't want to get sucked into another contract.  But it's getting ridiculous.  So we're looking to upgrade.  And Verizon is going to have the iPhone on Feb. 10.  But is it worth it?

Just the other day my two best guy friends (who have the coolest gadgets) were trying to warn me off of getting the iPhone (they have the Droid and iPhone), because they said it's mostly just a big distraction all the time.  "Yeah, it's fun to have games and stuff," they said.  "But it's not worth the money."

It made me rethink some things.  First of all, it was good to be cautioned against making STUFF more important than it should be.  A phone is still just a stupid phone.  No matter how pretty it looks.

Second of all, I realized how silly it is to be the one who is giving advice and yet doesn't take it himself.  I love you guys, but it was kinda ridiculous to watch you playing Angry Birds for hours like addicts, all the while telling me not to get a phone with that capability because it can be addicting.  Granted, you are just kinda proving your point.  But still... come on!  Practice what you preach!  (And feel free to call me out when I am being hypocritical too...)

Third, I realize that although our society and culture is integrating more technology into our relationships all the time, having a phone that can allow me to talk to my family as if I was looking at them face to face doesn't necessarily mean that I will.  I mean, I still have to CALL them.  I still have initiate the relationship.  And the best technology in the world doesn't make up for connecting in real life, real face to real face.  (I'm not very good at that.  "When was the last time you called your mother??"  It's been awhile.  Sorry, Mum.)

That's all of my thoughts for the day.  I'm a little melancholy.