So I was browsing the news headlines and I realized that I haven't heard anything bad about Obama in awhile and I was wondering what Republicans have been up to for all this time... I didn't have to look far to discover one website, ""-- a site that really doesn't make any sense because it's full of videos that have been removed by youtube. It would have been nice if they would have just listed them out for me...
No worries, though, I found on that site a link to PURE TREASURE!! It's called "The Texas Nationalist Movement" and here's the link: Texas Nationalist Movement
From what I've gathered, the whole point of the "Movement" is to get Texas to Secede from the United States of America. This, I think, would actually solve a lot of problems. No offense to those kind-hearted Texans out there, but I can't help but imagine that if Texas became it's own country, they'd try to blow up America at the first sign of an "intruder" into their land and get hopelessly squashed. Yeah. Not pretty.
The first article I came across on the website was one that stated that Mexico has artifacts that belong to Texas, including, the very important flag of Alamo, and they want it back! Texas is in the process of SUING Mexico to get their flag back. Wow. That's worth thousands of dollars in court fees. It's like, "We broke up, Your Honor, and now all I want is my toothbrush back... and maybe a few million dollars in punitive damages!!"
The next article I read was by a guy named Dave Mundy who believes that the United States government has sent Mexican spies into Texas who are going to try and "take back" Texas and claim it as a part of Mexico. This assumption is due to the fact that a Mexican-looking helicopter was spotted flying over Texas. Well, no, let's put it another way-- Dave? Quote: "Mexican military forces have brazenly violated our sovereign airspace." Yes, Dave. Wow. Just. Wow. You have been betrayed. Start packing your bags.
I've met quite a few Republicans lately that have just been IRATE about "the way things are going" and I could see why people would be mad about the economy tanking... but that's worldwide, and it is actually not really affecting most of the people that I meet. I guess I'm just confused about what is so bad with the way things are going as far as our government is concerned and why a bumper sticker that reads, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him! (Obama)"
Can anyone enlighten me as to why we should be mad about the "way things are going"? I'm just curious if I'm missing something important besides a bunch of "tea parties" that sound like fun, but probably don't serve tea.